Career Advice

How to Avoid Resume Clichés?

March 19th, 2018|Advice, Career Advice|

Why would you care about avoiding Resume Clichés? Mostly, because the competition for almost any job worth applying for is fierce, but also because your resume could give you an initial boost easily. Lately we have been using templates for almost everything, including writing Resumes, making it easier for us to frame our experience and [...]

Should You Be Honest at an Interview with a Recruiter

February 8th, 2018|Advice, Career Advice|

Nowadays, even reaching a job interview may prove to be a difficult task, not to mention actually nailing it. There are hundreds, if not thousands of articles on the topic, giving us advice, what to say and not to say at a job interview, which questions to avoid, how curios to be and even how [...]

Life of a Developer in Bulgaria VS Life of a Developer in Germany

November 1st, 2017|Advice, Career Advice|

Go to the infographic for cost of living in Bulgaria vs Germany >> Salary of Bulgarian vs German Software Developer A software developer in Germany on average earns 45 000 euro per year. Most developers need over 20 years of experience to move on to other jobs. In comparison, in Bulgaria a software developer earns [...]

Why is it Important to ask Questions during a Job Interview?

October 12th, 2017|Advice, Career Advice|

There are numerous publications both on the web and on paper advising on how to prepare your CV, write your motivational letter, dress, talk and overall behave at your job interview. We will take a spin, focusing on the particular topic of asking questions. You may have read our previous article TOP 10 Steps to [...]

PFG Success Story: Meet Miroslav

September 20th, 2017|Advice, Career Advice|

We continue to strive for the best results in our work with professional ITs and that's why we are presenting you one of our successfully hired people - Miroslav. Miroslav started working in Atlas Services 7 months ago in the position of a Junior SAP BW/IP consultant. His dedication and self-motivation led his path to [...]

10 Well-known professions, which have changed in the 21st century

September 12th, 2017|Advice, Career Advice|

After the industrial revolution and especially with the rapid evolution of technology many job descriptions have changed dramatically. While the need for some jobs had disappeared entirely, like lamplighter, the jobs we are going to talk about are very much needed nowadays. But the skills that were required in the past to perform those jobs [...]

10 Careers We Are Going to Pursue in the Future

September 5th, 2017|Advice, Career Advice|

The rapidly advancing technology affects both our personal and professional lifestyles. We are not the same as we were 100 years ago, we are different from 50 years ago, and we have definitely changed since 10 years ago. It is in our nature to strive for progress, for better conditions of living and working. We [...]

PFG Success Story: Meet Maria

August 16th, 2017|Advice, Career Advice|

Gaining experience and learning through the process of communication is essential in our distinct company. As we wanted to know more about our client's opinion about us and their experience through the process of getting the perfect job position, we landed a new practice. Interviewing every month one of our professionals who has been hired [...]

Artificial Intelligence applied to the Human Resources field

August 8th, 2017|Advice, Business Advice, Career Advice|

How are artificial intelligence and human resources linked? The Human Resources field has developed much in the past century and so have the tasks it serves. Thus the necessary tools to complete those tasks. While in the past it was all up to the human factor in the 21 century the human resources field relies [...]

Negative feedback – how to give to and how to handle it?

June 15th, 2017|Advice, Career Advice|

What is feedback? Let’s first start with the definition of feedback. Feedback is giving information to a person about his or hers actions in order to improve communication and the working process. The term “feedback” is relatively new but widely spread today. It is especially so when we speak about business and work relations. It [...]